Sunday, June 3, 2007

Excellent Lover

Yesterday, I realized something while talking about life and where I feel God is individually calling me. I realized that God has given me a lot of different gifts and abilities. He has made me good at a lot of different things but their is nothing that I do excellent. I try, and try, and I do my best or at least strive to, but there is nothing that would make anyone look at what I have done and say, "ohhh wow that is excellent!". If they do, God must have temporarily blinded their eyes. However, I long to do at least one thing with excellence. As I was thinking about what I could do, God really hit me over the head with just strive to love Him excellently. I want to be an "Excellent Lover". I want to love the Lord and be obedient, I want to love people with the same grace, mercy, and truth that God has called us to love. I want to love the wealthy, the independent, the needy, the poor, the gays, the lesbians, the outcasts, the incrowds, the persecutors of the church, the saints, the elderly, the young, my peers, my enemies, my family, and friends. I want to love them with the same grace and the same mercy that my father shows me. I want to love them when they encourage me and uplift me, when they curse me and wound me. I want to love them when I have plenty and when I have nothing but my heart to give. And when people remember me I dont want them to see me but to see that she loved like He loved her, with excellence.

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