Sunday, June 17, 2007

Okay here's an update...

- Friday: I went with some friends to hear Jeremy Camp... It was amazing. To be completely honest I was blown away at the number of songs that I knew, but yet didn't know they were his. However, I am now a huge fan. Jeremy was real and transparent. The whole concert was extremely refreshing.
* He challenged us to soften our hearts.

- Saturday: I helped the family clean the house. It amazed me as I cleaned how easy it is for me to clean other peoples places and find joy in it and how grudgingly I clean my parents house. Then I started thinking about all the mission trips I have been on and all the manual labor I have done. Why can I work my tail end off for a stranger but wrestle with helping my dad dig a foundation (for a cement pad that is intended for my dog). Later on that day I went to a wedding with my friend Paul it was a lot of fun. However, God really convicted me on my judgemental heart. I worry so much about what other people are doing and not where their heart is. I get so caught up in doing what is right and not on where my heart is. I have become complacent and self righteous. How did I get here again. I am such a Pharisee.
* God please soften this selfish heart.

- Sunday: I bought my Daddy a BB gun for Father's Day. He loved it. My dad and my dog, Toby went squirrel hunting all morning before church.

Church was incredible this morning. It was on having a compassionate heart for the poor, orphans, widows, and others who are in need and being a living sacrifice. Later on I went to Midtown Fellowship and the message their dovetailed with the one I heard this morning. It was about living out compassion. Letting God be Lord of your heart and wealth. God reminded me of the heart he gave me. I don't want to be rich. I don't want a fancy house or even a nice car. I don't want to live comfortably. I just want to serve others. I want to help those who can't help themselves. For the first time in a while I have started to really question my current career choice. So today I started looking into helping at some homeless shelters. Who knows. God does... and I will rest in that.
* Praying for Compassion.

Oh... P.S. I finally got rid of Facebook. It was hard but I just had to. I was wasting way to much time and stalking friends.


Rachel said...

Hey Mary ~
I am so glad that you have decided to blog. It's great to be able to stay connected in that way. And I appreciate your heart. I hope all is going well for you!

Brian said...

Hey Mary
this is Brian not sure how i found your blog but I am glad I did....its so much better than facebook....i've got one