Monday, August 27, 2007

No guaranteed tomorrow...

I was in a motorcycle accident Friday Night (Aug.24). I was riding with my friend Bill and a couple of his friends down Monticello Road around 8:15 - 8:20 at night. Bill and I were leading the pack going about 60mi/hr in a 55 when a dog ran out about 10 feet in front of us and stopped. We hit it right down the middle. I remember the dog yelping and seeing myself flying into the oncoming traffic side of the road. I can remember hitting my head repeatedly with each roll and seeing head lights with each flip. Later on I discovered that I had actually flipped over 120 yards down the road (that's a football field- Go Colts!) . I stayed conscious by God's grace and ran off the road as soon as I came to a halt. I learned after the fact that that saved me from being run over by one of the other riders. That night God spared my life. He has ordained my days and that was not it. There is no other explanations than that. I have no broken bones or bruises I have road rash down my right arm and that is it. Praise God!!

I work at a small personal training studio with a staff of about 11. We are like a family. We love and care about each other very much. Sunday night (Sept 3) one of my friends and co-workers Kari Smith was killed in a boating accident. She was an absolutely beautiful girl with a curious smile and a warm face. She was a sweetheart and would do any thing for you in a minute. However, she was unsure of her faith and God.

We closed the gym for a day out of respect for Kari and then had to continue on. It was so weird to train and her not be there, to break down and have to push through the tears. To have clients come in who are broke too and keep them motivated. Situations like these I praise God for the strength and the peace that He gives me for I couldn't do it without Him.

Life is short. We only get one. I completely believe that God is all sovereign and He has ordained our days. Friday was not my day but for some reason only known to God at this present moment it was Kari's. God is good and I know that to be true. He will be glorified through her death. Life sucks sometimes and their is no getting around it. However, I hope and pray that we come to the realization that everyday and every breath is a gift. Our maker has created us to bring HIM glory and to enjoy Him. Who are we living for... Ourselves or God??

God thank you for giving me your strength. Help me to continue to trust you!